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Laptop Ninja
A blog FOR Laptop Ninjas, not about them. A Laptop Ninja is a cousin of the more common Web Ronin. As a solitary figure who's skills with computer technology and design, the Laptop Ninja survives by performing contract work from cafes, public parks, and sometimes rooftops. The Laptop Ninja's sword is his 802.11 connection, his iPod his throwing stars, and his Bluetooth cellphone his Nunchucks. All of which are usually carried in a discreet messenger bag.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Donut Shop Worker Watches Too Mch Sci-Fi
This story is about a man who successfully robbed a donut shop using a laser pointer. Y'know, the kind you can get for $10 at your local London Drugs or Radio Shack. What's next? Hijacking a plane with a blue LED?

posted by sAFETY at 12:10 PM


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